About Crumple
  1. read only user icon
  2. 3924
On refresh this will become read only and not editable.

  1. read only user icon
  2. 3924

green unlock icon red lock icon

green unlock icon red lock icon
On page refresh this will become read only and not editable.
This is a Crumple note.

Crumple is a free tool to take, share and publish notes, code snippets and white board doodles.

Crumple doesn't require an account, so just click the Crumple logo at the top left to create your own Crumple note.


1). Use the buttons on the left to toggle between the note pad, code editor or the white board.

2). Use the toggle on the right to publish a note (write > read only). Like I did with this note.

3). You can claim your own Crumple Note by typing in: crumple . com/[name] . Def add a password to it by clicking the lock icon at the bottom.

Crumple was built by a few team members from lazyeight.design (a design studio) due to the need for a quick bloat free note taking tool.

For feedback / get in touch: labs[at]lazyeight[dot]design
  1. read only user icon
  2. 3924
											<!-- Add code snippet here -->											

  1. read only user icon
  2. 3924
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green unlock icon red lock icon
  1. read only user icon
  2. 3924